Yuvachar Publications BooksSociology
Characteristics- 1. This book has been prepared keeping in view the main examination of Chhattisgarh PSC. However, it is equally useful for the religion and philosophy section of arts and culture in the preliminary exam. Moreover, some parts of it are also suitable as essays. 2. This book has been written by Mr. Sourabh Chaturvedi himself, the senior-most teacher of Delhi IAS. Make sure to put an effort to understand these sections of the syllabus from the point of view of general life rather than from academic point of view. In this sequence, an attempt has been made to avoid unnecessary complex concepts and complex terms of sociology. 3. The syllabus of Sociology in this book is described in the following headings- Meaning/field/nature/utility of sociology, relationship of sociology with various social sciences, elementary concepts like- society, community, committee, Institution, social group, folkways, mores . Relationship between individual and society, social interactions, status and role, culture and personality, socialization. Hindu social organization – religion, ashram, Varna, Purushartha. Social stratification – social stratification, caste, class. Social processes – social interaction, cooperation, conflict, competition. social control and social problems - social problem, social disintegration, anomie, alienation, inequality, major social problems of India. Social Research Methods - social research, objectives of social research, application of scientific method in the study of social phenomenon, the problem of objectivity. Methods and tools of fact collection - observation, interview, questionnaire, schedule etc. have been presented in detail with relevant facts and concepts. 4. At the end of the book, previous years questions asked in Chhattisgarh Main Exam have been provided to get the students familiar with the exam pattern. Moreover, the questions given for practice will help you in your answer writing practice. 5. Presentation of the book has been kept point wise as much as possible so that the questions of different categories can be prepared easily. The purpose of this book is to give a concise and relevant presentation of the broad syllabus of Sociology.